Jun 26, 2022
We spend a LOT of time with students, and quite a bit of that time is not used for direct instruction. This "downtime" offers plenty of tiny opportunities for teaching, assessment, and relationship building—we just have to recognize them.
Jun 20, 2022
We've covered a lot of differentiation strategies over the years, and here's one you may not have heard of: backward chaining. It allows students to start a task a few steps ahead, allowing them to experience a sense of completion that might otherwise be out of reach. My guest Melanie Meehan explains how it...
Jun 8, 2022
Adding an unexpected ingredient to a lesson makes students more likely to remember the thing they were supposed to learn.
You can find full written versions of these tips at cultofpedagogy.com/edutips.
Thanks to Pear Deck for sponsoring this...